The dendritic, or
receiving, area of neurons is where axons (transmitting fibers) from other nerve cells make contact. These
points of contact are called synapses.
A single synapse is, in itself, a complex structure, consisting of the presynaptic and the postsynaptic
regions. The presynaptic region is the
termination point of the axon of the transmitting cell, and at that point the axon balloons from a very small
fiber to a group of bulblike endings
called the presynaptic terminals. These terminals contain chemicals—neurotransmitters—that
are released into the space between the presynaptic terminal and the dendrite of the postsynaptic (receiving)
cell. The neurotransmitter molecules react with special receptors that are sensitive only to that neurotransmitter on the
postsynaptic cell, and, in just
thousandths of a second, these receptors cause
electrical and/or biochemical signals
within the receiving cell.
A single neuron can
have a large number of synapses on its dendrites, and it is the job of the neuron cell body to take
in signals from all of those synapses
and make a decision. That decision is whether to fire electrical signals itself
down its transmitting fiber—its axon. The signals that are transmitted down the axon are called action
potentials because they can cause
action somewhere else. If they come from a nerve cell synapsing
onto a muscle cell, they
can cause the muscle cell to contract. If they come from a nerve cell
connecting to another nerve cell, they can cause that follower
nerve cell to either fire or stop firing, depending
on what kind of signal it gets from the neurotransmitter molecules.
Thus, the input to a
neuron is from synaptic connections from other neurons, while the output is a
series of action potentials firing down its axon. The action potentials are all the same, just quick (about one-thousandth
of a second) discharges of electrical activity'. The information is carried at the rate by which these discharges
occur. So, if a neuron fires lots of
action potentials in a brief period (up to four hundred in one sec‑
ond), it can
have a large influence on its follower cells, while slow firing would have less
influence. Some drugs may affect
the generation and spread of action potentials down the axon, but that is not a common site of drug action. These drugs
usually produce drastic and often
toxic changes because they can completely stop a neuron from firing. One
interesting toxin that does this is the
chemical present in the ovaries of puffer fish, which are delicacies in Japan. This chemical, called tetrodotoxin, is so
toxic that eating just part of a fish
can paralyze the muscles responsible for breathing and lead to death. Japanese restaurants have chefs who are
specially trained and licensed to
remove the ovaries before the fish is served. This same class of toxin is also thought to be used in Haitian voodoo
rituals to induce
Most drugs act either at the presynaptic terminal,
where the neurotransmitter is
released, or at the postsynaptic membrane on the neurotransmitter receptor. The synapse is the primary
site of action of the majority of
drugs that affect human brain functions. So to understand how drugs affect our CNS, we must understand the
The presynaptic
terminal is the place where neurotransmitters are synthesized, packaged, and released. When action
potentials travel from the cell body of the transmitting neuron down to the
terminal area, the electrical signals
cause changes in the shape of protein molecules that reside in the terminal area. These molecules sense the
electrical signals and, within
thousandths of a second, reconfigure themselves to form pores, or channels, in
the terminal membrane. Calcium ions flow into the terminal through these pores, and the calcium initiates a
chain of biochemical reactions. The
result of this biochemical sequence is that packets of neurotransmitter molecules break through the terminal
membrane and move toward the postsynaptic area of the receiving cell.
What happens to the neurotransmitter molecules
after they are released? After all, if
they stayed around forever, the postsynaptic neuron, or muscle fiber, would constantly be under their
influence and further signaling would
be impossible. Removal of neurotransmitters is accomplished in three ways. First, the molecules just
diffuse away into other areas where
there are no receptors and are removed by the general circulation of fluids in
the brain. Second, there can be specific chemicals that break the neurotransmitters into noneffective parts
that are returned to the cells.
Finally, there are specific sites on the presynaptic terminal that attach to the active neurotransmitter molecules and
transport them back into the terminal
for release again. These transport sites are often places where drugs act to
prolong the presence of the transmitter in the postsyn‑ The electrical action
at the synapse can thus control whether a cell starts to fire action potentials. For example, if a receptor opens a
channel that lets in ions that make the cell less negative, then the electrical
potential of the cell moves in the
direction of firing action potentials. If the receptor opens a channel that causes the cell to
become more negative inside, then the
cell becomes less able to fire. Clearly, then, with many synapses, the cell
must add all of this electrical activity together, and the sum of it determines whether a cell fires. This
addition of pro- and antifiring
(excitatory and inhibitory) currents occurs in and around the cell body of the neuron, in a place where action
potentials originate. Thus, all of
the synaptic activity of the cell converges to the cell body, where the cell
makes the decision to fire or not to fire, depending on the voltage across its cell membrane.
The two most common neurotransmitters in the CNS
are the amino acids GABA
(gamma-aminobutyric acid) and glutamate. These are referred to as inhibitory (GABA) and excitatory
(glutamate) amino acid neurotransmitters.
These neurotransmitters are responsible for much of the second-to-second processing in the CNS. If
either of these is significandy
blocked, the proper functioning of the CNS is dramatically disrupted. There are many subtypes of these receptors,
and each of these subtypes has
different characteristics. Some of the most interesting drug effects come
from activating just a particular subtype of a receptor rather than the whole class of receptors.
Receptors can initiate
a cascade of biochemical events within neurons. Either by letting calcium ions into cells or by activating intracellular enzymes directly, activated receptors can
profoundly change the biochemical
environment of a cell. These biochemical signals can alter the numbers of receptors for different transmitters,
change the degree to which they
recognize their transmitters, or even change the systems that regulate the
genetics of the cell—literally, thousands of different processes. It is no
that drugs that interact with receptors can be so specific and so powerful.
It is this diversity of receptors and biochemical
signaling pathways that allows humans
to devise drugs that have quite specific effects. Throughout this book there are references to actions of a
drug at a specific receptor,
receptor regulation site, or biochemical-signaling pathway. Although we know much about the way these chemicals
operate, it is important to remember
the mantra of every pharmacologist: "Every drug has two effects—the one I know about and the one I don't
know about."
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