09 Ağustos
Quite a bit of what MDMA does is disclosed by its capacity to expand the levels of the monoamine neurotransmitters dopamine and norepinephrine (see the "Stimulants" part) and serotonin (see the "Psychedelic drugs" section) in the neurotransmitter. Like amphetamine, MDMA effectively "dumps" them into the neurotransmitter, and the measure of these neurotransmitters that is discharged is substantially bigger than is generally observed with cocaine. Dissimilar to amphetamine, MDMA makes a decent showing with regards to of expanding the levels of serotonin. While amphetamine is ten to one hundred times better at discharging dopamine and norepinephrine than serotonin, MDMA is the inverse: it discharges serotonin much more adequately than it does dopamine. 

Most MDMA impacts bode well, given its biochemical profile. The expansion in body temperature, the generally low enslavement potential and the abatement in forcefulness are run of the mill of medications that deliver a major increment in serotonin levels in the neurotransmitter. The serotonin-particular reuptake inhibitors (SSA's, for example, fluoxetine (Prozac), do this in a differ­ent way that causes more restricted impacts. While MDMA effectively dumps serotonin into the neural connection and creates extensive builds along these lines, Prozac and medications like it forestall serotonin recover however don't effectively discharge it. This implies the neuron needs to discharge serotonin first before antidepressants can do anything. MDMA can make substantially more sero­tonin accessible in light of the fact that it doesn't need to sit tight for the neuron to flame. 

We don't know whether its consequences for serotonin alone are sufficient to clarify the extraordinary impacts of MDMA on state of mind, or whether some undescribed impact is in charge of the feeling of compassion and positive emotions. Late research in people recommends that serotonin discharge is fundamental for a large portion of its consequences for state of mind, since individuals who get serotonin receptor-blocking drugs before MDMA encounter considerably less exceptional disposition changes than individuals who get MDMA alone. Notwithstanding, fentluramine, an amphetamine subsidiary that has a comparative capacity to dump serotonin, shares some of these activities (like its capacity to diminish animosity) however has not been accounted for to cause the same enthusiastic changes. lhe activities of MDMA are as yet a secret, in light of the fact that no other medication creates an identi­cal state and on the grounds that the neurochemical impacts we have watched so far don't totally clarify these impacts.

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